Seniors, below you will find the dates and deadlines for some very important events prior to graduation.
Please be familiar with these dates. There are no exceptions.
May 9th: Final day to make changes for Senior Awards Night (see counseling for details).
May 16th: Seniors check in chrome books.
May 18th: Potential graduates will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony if they have a failing grade in a required course by the end of today.
May 23rd: Senior Awards Night at CHS @ 6:00 PM
May 23rd: Seniors check out of their “B” Day classes (all school fees must be paid)
May 24th: Seniors check out of their “A” Day classes
May 24th: The “C” will be in the CHS Auditorium for senior pictures from 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm. You will not be able to take pictures in the “C” on graduation day.
May 25th: Outline of events for graduation
8:00 am: Mandatory Graduation practice @ SUU America First Events Center
12:15 pm: Seniors arrive at SUU for graduation
1:00 pm: Graduation begins